
I'm Back!

For anyone who's worked with the actor and instructor Josh Pais, those two words will sound very familiar. "I'm back." For a man with over eighty IMDb credits alone, one might think it referred to his acting career... he is indeed a very prolific actor. Thankfully for me, and likely a large number of his students he has influenced over the years, it actually refers to being present. In the moment. Here.

Somewhere deep inside my head, I've struggled and receded into spirals of future worries and past frustrations. Forgetting to notice the unique interactions all around me, the sound of someone drinking water, the feel of a cool wind in the warm rays of sunshine, I lost myself in Candy Crush, The Blacklist, and just about anything that could distract me from the pain and inconvenience of an injury this summer. Josh Pais's Committed Impulse intensive this past weekend took me away from all of that and into the vibrant world of reality, with all of its swirling energies and honesty.

At first yawning through Friday night's introduction, I thought I couldn't possibly have the energy to maintain the level of presence and aliveness clearly exhibited in what seemed like every moment for Josh. On the contrary, I now realize that I don't have the time or desire to waste my life buried in playing a video game, lost in Facebook, or buried in my phone or worries. The energy I have regained since this weekend is boundless, my inspiration for life and work has increased exponentially, and even the scenes I act and the music I sing feel and sound so alive, in ways I've rarely experienced as an adult. 

The brilliant and creative son of a theoretical physicist who worked with Einstein, Josh Pais taught us some incredible acting techniques and, more importantly, some major truths I had quite forgotten lately. We will all have moments in which we get pulled out of the present and into the voices (usually negative) in our heads. Thankfully, we also have some choices. Following the downward spiral of negativity is no longer one of mine. So - as I was encouraged to say this weekend whenever I caught myself moving away from the present moment - I'm back. This time, I intend to stay.

Another Day of Gratitude

Another Day of Gratitude

Tonight, I had another chance to connect with filmmaker Reinaldo Marcus Green in person, and also to attend a panel discussion on which he and several others spoke about distributing independent films... At tonight's events, several talented panelists devoted their time to helping answer questions by excited filmmakers and actors, all eager to produce creative material for the world to see... Aside from learning a German opera and working on my film career, I'm looking forward to creating my very own webseries. I want to interview people who balance exceedingly high levels of success and happiness - they are rare!

Unseen Work (and a hint of Brent Spiner)

Unseen Work (and a hint of Brent Spiner)

Working as a singer or actor means so much more than filming onset or getting dolled up in one of my fancy gowns to sing with an orchestra... It means researching indie filmmakers and opera companies and people with whom I want to work so that I can begin to form relationships with them online and in real life. Most importantly, it means working with incredible people who believe in me and doing my best to perform and audition at my highest ability to make their jobs easier too. 

A New Type

A New Type

In life and in acting, our perceptions of ourselves often color what we pursue. If inaccurate, success might wait in the wings for a long time until we come to face the way the world sees us - and perhaps the way we truly interact with others. Although I appreciate that one member of the class saw me as a "nurturing young mother," I suspect I will pursue the characters who live more savory lives than sweet. 

Ode to the New York Strangers

Ode to the New York Strangers

A film audition for Funny the Movie rounded out my day, and the warm, inviting atmosphere of what must have been a very long day for those involved caused me to stop and consider the beautifully human and often generous side of the entertainment industry...  Stereotypes about the entertainment industry and NYC would have us turn our tails and run if we ever dared to listen for too long. Honestly, acting is about connecting, and the city is an incredible place in which to do it.